
Remove fungi from the nails with the unique power of herbs, which properly combined give us products with amazing action. Try them and make onychomycosis a thing of the past! It has certainly happened to a large portion of people to show up onychomycosis and despite their efforts they can not get rid of this difficult problem. In this case, we turn without a second thought to natural products, as studies that have been carried out in recent years have shown that there are plants and herbs with amazing action against fungi which not only fight, but also prevent their recurrence. The combination of a series of herbs, mainly in the form of oil, offers us the ideal solution, as they have antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic and antiparasitic properties. Specifically, it is the famous tea tree oil, almond oil, oregano oil, thyme, clove oil and lavender oil, which give us a natural and very effective solution to the problem of onychomycosis.

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    Εκπτωτικά σχήματα
    Εύρος τιμής

2 Products

  • Έλαιο για την Ονυχομυκητίαση από τις μοναχές στην Ι.Μ Αναλήψεως. Είναι η ιδανική λύση για όσους ταλαιπωρούνται από το συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα.

    A completely natural product, the specific onychomycosis oil from the nuns in the Holy Monastery of the Ascension is the ideal solution for those who suffer from this problem. With a series of vegetable oils such as almond oil, tea tree oil, oregano oil, but also clove oil, which have strong antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, this product promises to solve a problem that afflicts a significant number of people and in fact in a completely natural way and without chemicals.


  • κεραλοιφή με μαστίχα χίου

    A completely natural monastic product, this ointment was created by the nuns of the Holy Monastery of Agios Nikolaos, to offer relief to a number of skin problems. Thanks to its ingredients, among which, the precious mastic oil, propolis, aloe, spatholado, but also chestnut honey, has strong anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and antibacterial properties. A traditional ointment, which can be used in a number of skin problems and specifically in fungal infections, burns, skin irritations, but also in wounds for its antiseptic action.