Tea tree

Tea tree

The oil from tea tree It is an excellent antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial, while it is widely used in cases of wound healing. It has unique properties and that is why it is one of the most well-known natural ingredients, which is recommended for oily skin.

Το έλαιο από τεϊόδεντρο είναι αντισηπτικό, αντιμυκητιασικό και αντιβακτηριδιακό, ενώ χρησιμοποιείται και σε περιπτώσεις επούλωσης πληγών.

Tea tree oil is now used in many acne products, which it significantly reduces by fighting its symptoms, such as dry and damaged skin, while it is also recommended in cases of eczema and psoriasis by reducing irritated and reddened skin. Also, tea tree oil has been found to prevent the formation of scar tissue, which helps wounds heal faster, even protects against infections and reduces the signs of acne.

Also, this ingredient is used to fight dry skin, leaving the skin more hydrated, soft and supple, while thanks to its antioxidant properties, it can reduce wrinkles and the signs of time. Tea tree oil, however, strengthens the hair and reduces hair loss and dandruff, fights nail fungus, reduces the symptoms of flu and colds, such as coughs and helps treat foot odor.

Το έλαιο από τεϊόδεντρο είναι αντισηπτικό, αντιμυκητιασικό και αντιβακτηριδιακό, ενώ χρησιμοποιείται και σε περιπτώσεις επούλωσης πληγών.

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