

The plum It is usually used in the form of oil and is an ingredient, adopted by the Japanese care culture, where it holds a prominent position. 

Το δαμάσκηνο με τη μορφή ελαίου, συμβάλλει σε σημαντικό βαθμό στην καταπολέμηση της πρόωρης γήρανσης της επιδερμίδας.

Research has shown that plum has anti-aging, antioxidant and moisturizing properties, as well as vitamins and fatty acids, thus contributing significantly to the fight against premature aging of the skin. 

In addition, the plum gives hydration, has the ability to be absorbed very quickly by the skin, leaving no residue, is recommended by many beauty experts for people with dry, damaged, dehydrated, but also mature skin, while reducing fine lines and wrinkles, black spots on the skin, soothes skin problems such as eczema because it has anti-inflammatory action and is considered ideal to expel dark circles and atony from the eyes. It is also ideal for protecting nails and giving softness and shine to hair, as it is rich in Ω3 fats and vitamins.

Το δαμάσκηνο με τη μορφή ελαίου, συμβάλλει σε σημαντικό βαθμό στην καταπολέμηση της πρόωρης γήρανσης της επιδερμίδας.

Do not forget that Heaven of Beauty is always here to solve any of your questions via chat, mail, phone, social media and we will be very happy to help you!

  • Αντηλιακή κρέμα προσώπου Alga Maris - SPF50 Χωρίς Άρωμα υποαλλεργική, η οποία διαθέτει 100% φυσικά ορυκτά φίλτρα.Αντηλιακή κρέμα προσώπου Alga Maris - SPF50 Χωρίς Άρωμα υποαλλεργική, η οποία διαθέτει 100% φυσικά ορυκτά φίλτρα.

    Organic hypoallergenic and fragrance-free face sunscreen, which has 100% natural mineral filters, which offer broad spectrum protection (UVA + UVB). An easy-to-apply sunscreen with a thin texture, which at the same time nourishes the skin and leaves a wonderful feeling of hydration, while having high water resistance. A sunscreen, which belongs to the series of natural Alga Maris sunscreens, inspired by nature. The mineral filters it contains form a thin protective layer on the skin that blocks the sun's rays. Also, their main active ingredient, Alga-gorria®, neutralizes free radicals and protects cells from damage caused by the sun's rays.



  • Έλαιο σώματος με Ιπποφαές και Μάραθο. Ενισχύει την παραγωγή κολλαγόνου, δρα κατά της ερυθρότητας και ενυδατώνει σε βάθος την επιδερμίδα.

    Body oil with Horsetail and Fennel. It is rich in Ω3, 6, 9 fatty acids, vitamin C and antioxidants. It boosts collagen production, acts against redness and deeply hydrates the skin. With a light herbal aroma thanks to fennel, cypress and lemongrass.