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212 Products

  • -40% Off
    Original price was: 9.95€.Current price is: 6.00€.

    Rich Elements energy shampoo with two amazing natural ingredients, coffee bean oil and olive oil. Provides the necessary nutrients and rejuvenates weak and dehydrated hair, is ideal for frequent use and protects the scalp. In addition, it has been enriched with extracts of calendula, pomegranate seed and nettle, which nourish and moisturize the hair.


  • -40% Off
    Original price was: 9.95€.Current price is: 6.00€.

    A shampoo for vitality from the Rich Elements line, which is ideal for dehydrated and damaged hair. The two main ingredients of this shampoo are broccoli seed oil, as well as olive oil, which replenish the lost hydration of the hair, offer immediate nourishment and vitality, something that you will be able to see in your hair from the very first baths. In addition, the shampoo is enhanced with extracts of calendula, pomegranate seed and apple, which rejuvenate the hair and scalp.


  • -40% Off
    Original price was: 9.95€.Current price is: 6.00€.

    Rich Elements repair shampoo ideal for damaged and dehydrated hair. This shampoo has been enriched with precious pomegranate extract and olive oil, rich in antioxidants and nutrients, while also having a significant moisturizing effect, while also containing grape seed oil. Thanks to its natural ingredients, this shampoo restructures and repairs damaged hair and gives intense nourishment and hydration. A product for silky hair.


  • Σαμπουάν με Αλθαία, Φραγκόσυκο και Γάλα Καρύδας που στοχεύει στον έλεγχο και τη μείωση της τριχόπτωσης, που ταλαιπωρεί γυναίκες και άντρες. -44% Off
    Original price was: 17.90€.Current price is: 10.00€.

    A shampoo from the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension that aims to control and reduce hair loss, a problem that afflicts women and men. This product contains herbal extracts, which strengthen the hair follicle and stop hair loss. In addition, they stimulate blood circulation to the vessels and contribute to proper nutrition and hydration of the hair. It is a shampoo based on a traditional monastic recipe and contains olive oil, known for its emollient properties and nutrients, as well as herbs and vitamins, which rejuvenate the head vessels and restore balance.


  • Σαμπουάν με Έλαιο Σταφυλιού και ενισχυμένο με Μετάξι, Φυσική Γλυκερίνη και Πανθενόλη, για μαλλιά εξαιρετικά καθαρά και ευκολοχτένιστα. Out of Stock

    Concentrated moisturizing shampoo, silky texture enriched with silk, panthenol, natural glycerin and grape oil for daily use. Leaves hair extremely clean and easy to comb. Soothes the scalp and helps reduce dryness.

  • Σαμπουάν με Ελαιόλαδο, Γάλα Βρώμης και Ρυζιού τα οποία καταπολεμούν την ξηροδερμία και αναζωογονούν το τριχωτό της κεφαλής. Out of Stock
    Original price was: 17.90€.Current price is: 10.00€.

    A shampoo from the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension with a traditional monastic recipe and a series of natural ingredients such as olive oil, herbs, but also vitamins, which fight dry skin and rejuvenate the head vessels. Seven plant extracts are combined with oats, rice, valerian, chamomile, Achillea, lemon, fennel and mint, resulting in a product with strong soothing and anti-inflammatory action, but also hypoallergenic properties. The shampoo absorbs excess sebum, naturally removes dirt from the scalp and hair and prevents the reappearance of dandruff.


  • Σαμπουάν με Ελαιόλαδο, Έλαιο Argan, Αβοκάντο και Βούτυρο Καριτέ που στοχεύει στην επανόρθωση των ταλαιπωρημένων, αλλά και ευαίσθητων μαλλιών. Out of Stock
    Original price was: 17.90€.Current price is: 10.00€.

    A highly effective shampoo by the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension, which aims to protect and repair damaged and sensitive hair. A completely natural product, which has been created with a traditional monastic recipe and retains unchanged all the nutrients and properties of its ingredients. This shampoo contains organic olive oil, argan oil, avocado and shea butter, while its composition has been enhanced with vitamins necessary for the good health of the scalp. Its ingredients have emollient properties, while in addition they rejuvenate, provide deep hydration and strengthen brittle hair, giving them shine.


  • Ένα σαμπουάν με Τσάι του Βουνού που ενυδατώνει και ενδυναμώνει όλους τους τύπους μαλλιών προστατεύοντας παράλληλα την κερατίνη από την οξείδωση. Out of Stock

    Shampoo with mountain tea, provitamin B5, argan oil and olive oil suitable for daily hair care. Moisturizes and strengthens hair while protecting keratin from oxidation.

  • Σαπούνι μαλλιών με Εκχυλίσματα Μάραθου Τσουκνίδας και Δάφνης ειδικά για το σωστό καθαρισμό των μαλλιών και του τριχωτού της κεφαλής. -25% Off
    Original price was: 6.50€.Current price is: 4.90€.

    A soap, created especially for the proper cleaning of hair and scalp. Contains a number of valuable natural ingredients, such as fennel, nettle and laurel extract, which rejuvenate, strengthen and give shine to the hair. In addition, the combination of grape seed oil (castor oil) and castor oil contributes to the nutrition of the skin and hair, while at the same time cleansing and toning them.

  • Σαπούνι με Βατόμουρο το οποίο στοχεύει στο σωστό, απαλό και βαθύ καθαρισμό του δέρματος αφήνοντας το απαλό και ενυδατωμένο. -33% Off
    Original price was: 6.00€.Current price is: 4.00€.

    A handmade monastery soap by the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension, which combines the valuable raspberry extract with almond oil, ylang-ylang essential oil, olive oil and coconut oil, giving us a nutrient-rich product, which also aims at the right and deep cleansing the skin leaving it soft and hydrated. Its ingredients contain a number of vitamins, minerals, such as zinc, copper, iron and selenium, fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes, all essential for the skin. This soap cleanses the skin without drying it. It is a natural product, produced by the method of cold process and is flavored with pure essential oils.


  • Σαπούνι με Βρώμη και Κανέλλα όπου τα φυσικά συστατικά του καταπραΰνουν. Είναι ιδανικό για δερματικά προβλήματα όπως έκζεμα και ψωρίαση. -33% Off
    Original price was: 6.00€.Current price is: 4.00€.

    Handmade oat and cinnamon soap by the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension, enriched with extra virgin coconut oil, jojoba oil and castor oil. It acts on multiple levels, moisturizing the skin, while at the same time its natural ingredients soothe it, making this product ideal for cases of itching, but also skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. A soap that cleanses naturally and respects sensitive skin with problems, reducing symptoms and soothing itchy itching. Thanks to its ingredients, it offers hydration, has antioxidant action and helps neutralize the damage caused to the skin by pollution and chemicals, while it is considered suitable for any skin type.


  • Σαπούνι με Γάλα Γαϊδούρας περιεκτικότητας 30% από τις μοναχές στην Ιερά Μονή Αναλήψεως φτιαγμένο με παραδοσιακή μοναστηριακή συνταγή. -33% Off
    Original price was: 7.50€.Current price is: 5.00€.

    Handmade monastery soap by the nuns in the Holy Monastery of the Ascension made with a traditional monastery recipe, starring donkey milk and in fact in high concentration, with a percentage of 30%. Ideal for deep hydration, nutrition and reduction of the signs of aging thanks to its strong antioxidant action. Its main ingredient, donkey milk, is rich in vitamins E, B, C & A, omega 3 and 6, but also amino acids and also contains a natural retinol, which rejuvenates, prevents wrinkles and gives skin a healthy and youthful appearance . This soap is considered ideal even for sensitive skin, but also for people whose skin has skin problems, as donkey milk has a strong soothing effect.