The lime has a strong antioxidant effect, enhances good mood, moisturizes and also keeps skin healthy and glowing, reducing wrinkles and blemishes and fighting acne. In fact, one of its most important properties is that it deeply cleanses the skin and helps retain moisture. Lime, after all, contains many nutrients such as vitamins C and A, calcium, folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, but also zinc.
Studies have shown that it removes toxic substances and detoxifies the body, but also the skin, also neutralizes bacteria on the skin and thus fights acne and free radicals, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, helps treat of cellulite and in weight control, relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids, while it is recommended in cases of arthritis because it relieves pain.
Also, lime helps digestion, strengthens the immune system, is recommended in cases of respiratory problems and colds and protects the eyes, due to the vitamins it contains.
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