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"Shield" your immune system with valuable tinctures!

Long working hours, fatigue, poor nutrition, viruses and of course the coronavirus "threaten" our health and weaken our body. But what can we do to strengthen it? our immune system and be healthy in winter and summer? But of course, let's take advantage of the "weapons" that Nature gives us, so that we can cope with even the biggest challenges. Studies have proven that there are many natural ingredients, which help to strengthen it immune system providing it with all the nutrients and stimulation it needs.

We at Heaven of Beauty have gathered tinctures and oils made with only natural ingredients, which have large amounts of vitamins, such as vitamin C, antioxidants, but also antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which make them valuable allies for good health. In addition, we have secured for you an amazing tincture for her anemia, which provides the body with large amounts of iron to prevent stress and fatigue, which inevitably affect the proper functioning of the immune system.

Say yes to tinctures for strong immunity

Tinctures are a special category of products, which are not only natural, but are prepared from fresh herbs, which contain greater amounts of valuable ingredients compared to dried ones, and are also a highly effective way for the body to receive all the nutrients that is needed. We present here tinctures and oils that can "shield" your immune system and make you feel healthy and rejuvenated every day. An amazing product, for immediate strengthening of the immune system and stimulation of the body is the tincture with wild rose from the nuns at the Assumption Monastery, which is particularly rich in valuable nutrients. It is especially recommended for people who want to strengthen their body, as it is known that the wild rose plant is rich in vitamins, such as A, B, C, E, K, citric acid, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, antioxidants, tannins, pectin , calcium, iron, silicon, selenium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.

We also recommend nature's "antibiotic", which is nothing but precious oregano oil, an amazing natural monastic product, produced by the process of distillation from the oregano herb, which is very rich in natural antioxidants. The main components of oregano oil are carvacrol and thymol, two phenols with significant antioxidant activity, while it also exhibits antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, which rank it among the top herbs. It is also ideal for boosting the immune system tincture with elixir. This particular plant is known, among other things, for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, while it protects the nervous system from anxiety and stress and helps in cases of cough and asthma. Of course, we should not forget that tincture with achillea pangaeus, which is recommended for strengthening immunity, but also for cardiovascular health. It is worth mentioning that achillea is recommended for the treatment of colds and fever, it is a strong diaphoretic, with the result that it detoxifies the body, antipyretic and improves the symptoms of colds, runny nose and cough.

Pomegranate & nettle for anemia

However, one of the tinctures that will help your immune system function properly is also tincture with pomegranate and nettle, not only because it is very rich in vitamin C, but also because it contains a large amount of iron and is recommended for anemia. THE anemia, i.e. the lack of iron in the body is a condition that leads to chronic fatigue, strains the body and negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.

The tincture with nettle and pomegranate extract for anemia is a product with a high content of iron, as well as vitamin C, which is necessary for its proper absorption by the body. This specific product is aimed at people who are suffering from anemia in order to help them maintain or increase the iron levels in their body, thus contributing to its better functioning.

It has been established that the nettle contains iron, while it also has a high content of vitamin C, which strengthens the body's defenses, it contains vitamin K, which plays an important role in blood clotting, and B vitamins that are good for the nervous system and cleanses the body of toxins, while in turn the pomegranate covers almost 50% of the body's daily needs in vitamin C and is very rich in potassium, iron, vitamin K and folic acid. Pomegranate and nettle tincture is a completely natural product, which can help you solve problems such as anemia in a gentle way and without burdening your body.

Ways to strengthen our body

However, along with taking the tinctures, it is good to try to include some things in our daily life, which will help us keep our body healthy and stimulated. It has emerged from many studies that nutrition plays an important role in the good functioning of our body and the immune system, which is why we must consume fruits and vegetables, while in addition we must be careful to keep our weight at normal levels so as not to you strain our body.

We also suggest that you reduce or even better stop smoking and drinking alcohol, while it is especially important to find ways to help us get rid of stress, as stress negatively affects our immune system. It is now known that cortisol, which is also known as the stress hormone, affects white blood cells and reduces our immune function. On the contrary, exercise has a positive effect on both immune function and avoiding stress, which is why experts recommend incorporating physical exercise into our daily routine, which suits each of us, to strengthen our immune system.


Do not forget that Heaven of Beauty is always here to solve any question you have via chat, mail, phone & social media. We will be very happy to help you!

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