Epsom salts

Epsom salts

The Epsom salts they are also known by the official scientific name magnesium sulfate. It is an inorganic compound composed of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen that create the MgSO4 complex.

Τα άλατα Epsom βοηθούν στην καταπολέμηση του πόνου και της φλεγμονής σε μύες και αρθρώσεις, ενώ είναι πλούσια πηγή μαγνησίου.

They are named after a small saline spring at Epsom in the Surrey region of England where there are natural deposits of magnesium sulfate in the natural waters of the area. Despite the name it has, it should not be connected in any way to the familiar salt as it is a completely different compound. Simply because of its chemical structure and the similarity of its crystals, it got the name of salt.

Epsom salts help fight pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, have a relaxing effect, and are a very rich source of magnesium. Magnesium is known to improve health and reduce levels of inflammation in the body, helps muscle function and enhances blood circulation.

Τα άλατα Epsom βοηθούν στην καταπολέμηση του πόνου και της φλεγμονής σε μύες και αρθρώσεις, ενώ είναι πλούσια πηγή μαγνησίου.

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  • Τα άλατα epsom είναι πλούσια σε μαγνήσιο, βοηθώντας στην καταπολέμηση του πόνου και της φλεγμονής σε μύες και αρθρώσεις, ενώ έχουν ισχυρή χαλαρωτική δράση.

    Add magnesium-rich epsom salts to your bath to reduce stress, improve sleep and relieve muscle and joint pain.

  • Έλαιο για κουρασμένα και πρησμένα πόδια που περιέχει μόνο φυτικά έλαια και εκχυλίσματα, καθώς και άλατα Epsom.

    This lotion contains only vegetable oils and extracts, as well as Epsom salts, something that classifies it in the category of completely natural products. It was created by the nuns in the Holy Monastery of the Ascension to relieve tired and swollen feet, relieving the symptoms immediately. The lotion contains a series of herbal extracts, which are kept as a seven-sealed secret by the nuns, who managed to create a natural monastic product with absolute respect for nature and man. This "recipe" is the ideal solution for those who want to get rid of tired and swollen feet quickly, easily and naturally.