

Arnica is synonymous with the right treatment for bruises, bruises from bumps and swellings. It is known that it has the ability to speed up the healing process, but also to restore the tissues, which results in a much faster reduction of the bruise and of course the pain.

H άρνικα χρησιμοποιείται σε μία σειρά καταστάσεων, όπως είναι τα χτυπήματα, οι μώλωπες, τα διαστρέμματα, οι κακώσεις, αλλά και στην αρθρίτιδα.

It has been found that arnica has anti-inflammatory properties and is thus used to reduce swelling in many cases, from a simple bump to a sprain, and is even recommended in cases of arthritis. In addition, after studies it has emerged that arnica has the ability to reduce pain thanks to its pain-relieving effect. Furthermore, research has shown that arnica can reduce joint pain and as a result significantly contribute to improving movement in cases of osteoarthritis.

In Ancient Greece there are references to arnica in Dioscorides and Pliny the Elder, while for Europeans and Native Americans it was a remedy for muscle pain, bruises and  injuries. Nowadays, arnica is used for a range of conditions, such as natural bumps, bruises and sprains, sports injuries, but also arthritis, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome cases. However, it is also used in products for tired feet.

H άρνικα χρησιμοποιείται σε μία σειρά καταστάσεων, όπως είναι τα χτυπήματα, οι μώλωπες, τα διαστρέμματα, οι κακώσεις, αλλά και στην αρθρίτιδα.

Do not forget that Heaven of Beauty is always here to solve any of your questions via chat, mail, phone, social media and we will be very happy to help you!

  • Έλαιο για την Οστεοαρθρίτιδα ανακουφίζει από μυϊκούς πόνους, καθώς και πόνους από ρευματισμούς και οστεοαρθρίτιδα.

    Oil to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis. This product consists only of natural ingredients, such as arnica, calendula and thyme, which have been found to have strong anti-inflammatory action, relieve muscle pain, as well as pain from rheumatism and osteoarthritis, while reducing swelling. The nuns in the Holy Monastery of the Ascension created a product that encloses the wisdom of nature, but also the knowledge that has emerged from modern studies, always guided by respect for fellow human beings. 


  • Θεραπευτική κρέμα Roll-on για Μυϊκούς Πόνους το οποίο έχει μόνο φυτικά συστατικά προκειμένου να στοχεύει στο σημείο που πονάει. -11% Off

    A completely natural product from the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension, which includes a series of extracts from plants and herbs, which are famous for their action against pain. Among other things, it combines ingredients such as camphor and arnica, which are traditionally used to treat arthritis and rheumatism, with extracts of honeysuckle and burdock, which have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action and contribute significantly to the treatment of pain. This particular roll on contains only herbal ingredients and was created in order to target the sore spot, in order to maximize its action and effectiveness.  


  • Θεραπευτική κρέμα για Κιρσούς, Φλεβίτιδα και Ευρυαγγείες όπου ανακουφίζει από τα συμπτώματα, ενώ τονώνει τα αιμοφόρα αγγεία.

    Cream from the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension with selected natural ingredients to treat problems such as varicose veins and spider veins. The herbs that make up this cream have a proven effectiveness in these problems, which are related to the functioning of the circulatory system, as their active ingredients relieve symptoms, while stimulating and strengthening blood vessels.


  • Θεραπευτική κρέμα για Μυϊκούς Πόνους και Ισχιαλγία η οποία χάρη στη συνδυαστική δύναμη των φυσικών συστατικών της, ανακουφίζει από τον πόνο.

    Analgesic cream by the nuns in the Holy Monastery of the Ascension, which thanks to the combined power of its natural ingredients, is recommended for muscle pain and sciatica. With analgesic and anti-inflammatory action and enriched with vitamin D3, this cream has the ability to relieve pain in a very short time by containing a number of natural ingredients, which, among other things, stimulate blood circulation. Its strong action is based exclusively on ingredients provided by nature and which aim at pain by providing immediate results.