

The symbiont thanks to the substances it contains, among which the precious allantoin, it has properties that make it unique both for health protection and skin care.

Το σύμφυτο χάρη στις ουσίες που περιέχει, διαθέτει μοναδικές ιδιότητες για την προστασία της υγείας και για την περιποίηση της επιδερμίδας.

In particular, this herb has a strong healing effect, as well as emollient, astringent and expectorant and is used to restore cartilage, activates cell proliferation and the growth of new tissues and accelerates the healing process in bruises and burns.

It is worth mentioning that the symphyte helps remove dead cells from the skin, smoothes and softens the skin, contributes to proper hydration, can be used by sensitive skin, soothes inflammation and reduces redness in irritated skin, while protecting against UV damage. However, its properties do not stop here, as the symphyte has been used for centuries in bronchitis, cough and is considered a good expectorant.

Το σύμφυτο χάρη στις ουσίες που περιέχει, διαθέτει μοναδικές ιδιότητες για την προστασία της υγείας και για την περιποίηση της επιδερμίδας.

Do not forget that Heaven of Beauty is always here to solve any of your questions via chat, mail, phone, social media and we will be very happy to help you!

  • Θεραπευτική κρέμα για Αιμορροΐδες η οποία καταπραΰνει και μειώνει τη φλεγμονή και τον ερεθισμό και επιταχύνει τη διαδικασία επούλωσης.

    Cream with a unique natural formula from the nuns at the Holy Monastery of the Ascension, which relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids and local itching, soothes and reduces inflammation and irritation and speeds up the healing process. A completely natural solution, as the cream consists of 100% natural ingredients, which relieve symptoms, while stimulating and strengthening blood vessels. At the first level, this cream has a soothing effect, but gradually aims at the problem and fights it.


  • Θεραπευτική κρέμα για Κατάκλιση και Επούλωση Πληγών με ισχυρή επουλωτική και ενυδατική δράση ιδανική για άτομα που βρίσκονται σε κατάκλιση.

    A cream with strong healing and moisturizing action ideal for people with bedsore. This is an amazing, completely natural product, made by the nuns of the Holy Monastery of the Ascension, combining old recipes and new know-how. This cream contains a number of herbs and oils, such as frankincense oil and ostrich oil, which thanks to their properties help the skin to heal faster, hydrate and remain protected. It is the ideal product for people with bedsore, so that their skin receives all the care needed to stay healthy.