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Tips for face and body

Tips for face and body

Use daily sunscreen on the face and hands. You will significantly delay the signs of time.

The summer we sweat the most, instead of make-up preferred one moisturizing or sunscreen with color, you will have a more natural result.

Do not wipe your face with a towel, prefer paper.


Scrub your face 1-2 times per week to remove dead cells but not more often.

The best time to apply creams is you just got out of the bathroom, where the pores of the skin are open.

To you always remove makeup at night and then wash your face with a gentle soap bar. If you just wash with a handkerchief you have not done a complete job.

Use lip balm to comb them eyebrows you, they will remain stable and at the same time they will be hydrated.


Shave your feet using conditioner. It is quite oily and will help you a lot.

Before you put your favorite Perfume, put a little first vaseline in the places where you will spray. So it will last longer.

When you are brushing your teeth do the same with me the lips you gently. They will not crack and will not break your lipstick.

When your eyes look tired, pass white pencil in the lower inside of the eye, they will look much better.

Before bathing, rub your skin with one loofah, will bleed more and your skin afterwards will be even more hydrated.

Once a week and in winter, rub your heels with one pumice. This way they will be better preserved in the summer as well.


Tips for your hair

Do not you are combing never your hair when it is wet. Prefer to do it after drying them.

To keep the curls with scissors, make sure you do it first very good drying. Moisture will help them fall.

If you have oily hair, prefer it transparent shampoo and bathe in cold water as long as you can.


After the bath, instead of wrapping your hair in a towel, choose one old mako t-shirt, hair breakage will be reduced.

If you have unruly sprouts that fly, comb them with one toothbrush that you have sprayed with lacquer, will stay where they need to be.

Try to wash your hair 2 times a week and no more. This is how you achieve the right oiliness in the head.


Do not forget the water

The most important thing of all and with that we will close, is to drink a lot of water, this will help your skin and overall appearance to always be fresh.



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